NAIFA's GovTalk

NAIFA Congressional Conference Participants Educate Lawmakers

Written by NAIFA | 5/15/24 6:02 PM

NAIFA’s May 20-21 Congressional Conference participants will fan out over Capitol Hill to educate lawmakers on key issues impacting NAIFA members and their clients. Several hundred participants from almost every state and Congressional District will also establish and grow the constituent-lawmaker relationships that are so key to favorable legislative outcomes.

At their meetings with House Members and Senators and their staffers NAIFA representatives will discuss how important current tax rules are to the financial security of America’s middle-class families and businesses. They will also encourage Congressional support of financial literacy.

Specifically, meeting participants will share stories about how they and their products serve their clients, largely America’s middle class. They will encourage lawmakers to continue to help families and businesses to plan and save to attain a secure financial future. They will tell lawmakers that tax policy should encourage Americans to plan for financial and retirement security for themselves, their families, and their employees.

Among the key tax rules to be discussed are tax-free treatment of the inside build-up of whole-life insurance; incentives to establish and participate in individual and employer-sponsored retirement plans; tax-preferred saving vehicles for education and emergencies; favorable treatment of paid leave, long-term care, and disability insurance, exclusion of employer-provided health insurance from tax; reasonable transfer taxes at death, and equitable income tax treatment of passthrough small business income.

Meeting participants will also hear from lawmakers and NAIFA’s professional lobbyists, learn effective “how-to-lobby” techniques, and network among friends and colleagues.

Anyone not yet registered for the Congressional Conference can still participate. Book your hotel room here—the host hotel is the JW Marriot. A group rate (be sure to mention NAIFA) is available. Click here for more information on the May 20-21 Congressional Conference.

 Prospects: The constituent-lawmaker interactions that highlight the Congressional Conference can make a key positive difference as Congress debates rules changes that would impact NAIFA members and their clients. This is particularly important now as House Members and Senators gear up for the major tax bill that is coming in 2025, ahead of the expiration of the 2017 tax cuts rules governing individuals and the estate tax.

NAIFA Staff Contacts: Diane Boyle – Senior Vice President – Government Relations, at; or Jayne Fitzgerald – Director – Government Relations, at; or Michael Hedge – Senior Director – Government Relations, at