On August 30, the Department of Labor (DOL) released a new proposed regulation on the white-collar exception to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) overtime rules. Generally, DOL proposes that the salary threshold rise to $55,068/year (and suggests the number could go higher by the time the proposal is finalized), and that it be updated automatically every three years.
2 min read
DOL Proposes New White-Collar Exemption Rule
By NAIFA on 9/15/23 2:03 PM
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Federal Advocacy DOL
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SCOTUS Receives Briefs on Constitutionality of Tax on Unrealized Income
By NAIFA on 9/15/23 2:02 PM
The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has received scores of briefs on whether it is constitutionally permissible for the United States to tax unrealized income. The briefs are in connection with a case now pending before SCOTUS, Moore v United States, which raises the issue of whether unrealized income can be subject to current tax liability. The case has significant implications for cash value life insurance, and for long-held investments.
Topics: Taxes Federal Advocacy
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House Republicans Advance Anti-ESG Legislation
By NAIFA on 9/15/23 2:02 PM
Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee approved four anti- environmental/social/governance (ESG) bills this past July, and on September 5, GOP members of the House Education & the Workforce Committee introduced another four bills that would restrict the use of ESG factors in evaluating investments in a retirement savings plan.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Federal Advocacy Congress
1 min read
NFIP Caught in Year-End Government Funding Controversy
By NAIFA on 9/15/23 2:01 PM
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) must be reauthorized and funded before the October 1 start of the new fiscal year (FY).
If Congress does not reauthorize and fund the NFIP by October 1 (whether in a continuing resolution or in a FY 2024 appropriations bill), the agency would not be able to issue new flood insurance policies. Plus, funding would become even more of an issue than it already is. (FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is already running low on funds with literally billions in claims from various natural disasters still outstanding.)
Topics: Federal Advocacy
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GOP Reacts to DOL Acting Secretary Status
By NAIFA on 9/15/23 1:59 PM
Legislation has been introduced in both the House and Senate to negate the Department of Labor (DOL) Acting Secretary Julie Su’s ability to lead the agency in the absence of the Senate confirming her nomination.
Topics: Federal Advocacy DOL
2 min read
NAIFA To Send 500+ Members to Capitol Hill to Protect NAIFA Interests
By NAIFA on 5/15/23 8:30 AM
NAIFA’s Congressional Conference is set for May 22-23 in Washington, D.C. It’s not too late to register to participate in this program that establishes and grows the constituent-lawmaker relationships that protect the rules that allow middle America to safeguard their families’ and business’ financial futures.