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4 min read

Congress Punts Almost Everything to Lame Duck

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:57 AM

On September 26 President Biden signed into law the three-month funding bill that avoided a government shutdown on October 1. The continuing resolution (CR) extended fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding levels until December 20 and made few (none of them controversial) policy changes. So, the tough issues—e.g., FY 2025 funding levels, whether to block certain regulations (including the fiduciary rule)—were left to be resolved during the November-December lame duck session of the 118th Congress.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Debt Congress SECURE 2.0
2 min read

Senate Finance Holds Hearing on 2025 Tax Issues

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:56 AM

On September 12, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to lay the groundwork for the 2025 tax bill effort to cut down on “tax avoidance.” The hearing highlighted proposals to improve tax equity in current law. It also focused considerable discussion on section 199A, the deduction for qualifying noncorporate business income.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read

ACA Premium Subsidies at Risk

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:55 AM

The premium tax subsidies that allow lower-income individuals to get Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance free or at reduced cost are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. If the current subsidies do expire, millions of low-income individuals will face significant health insurance cost increases. Extension of the subsidies will be a key issue in the 2025 tax bill and/or during the November-December lame-duck session of the 118th Congress.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Affordable Care Act Taxes Congress
1 min read

Senate Unanimously Passes ABLE Account Permanency Bill

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:54 AM

The ENABLE Act, a bill that makes permanent three provisions of the ABLE account law, passed the Senate under a unanimous consent agreement on September 19. The bill, the ENABLE Act, was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), the author of the original ABLE Act, and Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and in the House by Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) and Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA).

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
2 min read

Economists Forecast Huge New Debt from Presidential Candidates’ Tax Proposals

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:53 AM

Private sector economists, including the respected Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), are sounding the alarm over the cost of both presidential candidates’ tax proposals. This suggests the 2025 tax bill will be as much about revenue as tax policy.

Topics: Taxes Debt Congress
1 min read

TIGTA Report Finds Non-Payment of Pre-Retirement Withdrawal Penalties

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:50 AM

A September 30 report from the Treasury’s Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) finds that millions of taxpayers are not paying the ten percent early withdrawal penalty tax or income taxes owed on pre-retirement early withdrawals from their retirement savings plans. This raises the specter of Congressional review of proposals for tougher enforcement.

Topics: Taxes
1 min read

ERTC Cut-Off Bill Introduced

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:47 AM

A bipartisan bill to cut off employee retention tax credit (ERTC) claims has been introduced in the Senate. The bill pulls the ERTC provisions from the House-passed HR 7024, a bill that has been long-stalled in the Senate.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read

IRS Expands Process for Correcting ERTC Claims

By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:46 AM

On September 26, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced it is opening its employee retention tax credit (ERTC) corrections program to allow tax professionals, payroll companies and other third parties that filed ERTC claims on behalf of a business to make corrections to their clients’ claims under the agency’s voluntary disclosure program.

Topics: Taxes IRS
2 min read

Senate Finance Committee Explores Tax Avoidance by the Wealthy

By NAIFA on 9/16/24 3:40 PM

At a September 12 hearing, the Senate Finance Committee explored tax avoidance strategies used by the very wealthy. Strategies identified included lack of current tax liability on unrealized asset gains, step-up in basis, trust rules, and private placement life insurance (PPLI). This is a prelude to the looming 2025 tax bill debate.

Topics: Taxes Congress
3 min read

Harris and Trump Agendas for 2025—Campaign Promises and Predictions

By NAIFA on 9/16/24 3:36 PM

Both former President Trump and Vice President Harris announced economic and tax policy agendas earlier this month. Key implementing details are missing from both candidates’ plans, but the general outlines suggest a legislative battle over tax rules regardless of who wins the presidency. Both candidates’ plans have triggered predictions of big (as in trillions of dollars) revenue losses, although both candidates have also suggested ways that those losses would be contained if not offset. So, both pose risks for NAIFA tax issues.

Topics: Taxes Congress Campaign Promises
2 min read

Supreme Court Decision Casts Doubt on Wealth Tax Proposals

By NAIFA on 7/15/24 4:35 PM

In Moore v. United States, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) sidestepped the question of whether it is constitutional to tax unrealized income—but four opinions (two concurring and two dissenting) suggest that at least four of the current SCOTUS justices might in another case find it is unconstitutional to tax income until it is realized.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress SCOTUS
2 min read

Tax Bill Preparation Continues

By NAIFA on 7/15/24 4:34 PM

Both House and Senate tax writers continue their preparations for the 2025 tax bill. More potential targets for revenue-raising tax provisions have emerged.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
3 min read

House, Senate GOP Tax Writers Begin Focused Work on Major 2025 Tax Bill

By NAIFA on 6/14/24 2:44 PM

House Ways & Means Committee Republicans have formed ten issue-specific “tax teams” to work on what to include in the looming 2025 major tax bill. Senate Finance Committee Republicans will tackle these issues in six “working groups.” Both say they “may” include Democrats in their deliberations at some point, but for now, it is an all-GOP effort.

Topics: Education Legislation & Regulations Taxes Debt Congress
2 min read

Revenue Looks to Become a Major Element of 2025 Tax Bill

By NAIFA on 6/14/24 2:43 PM


Recurring revenue estimates of the cost of extending the expiring 2017 tax cuts suggest that revenue will play a major role in the debate over the upcoming tax bill in 2025. After at least five revenue estimates, all covering a 10-year period that includes 2028, projections of the revenue lost due to current tax rules keep going up.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Debt Congress NAIFA
1 min read

House-Passed Tax Bill Remains Stalled in the Senate

By NAIFA on 6/14/24 2:40 PM

The House-passed tax bill, H.R.7024, remains stalled in the Senate. However, its chief Senate sponsor, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), says the bill is not dead. Sen. Wyden says he continues to work with Senate leadership to schedule Senate floor time on the bill.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read

SCOTUS Ruling Narrows Buy-Sell Agreement Tax Benefits

By NAIFA on 6/14/24 2:38 PM

In Connelly vs. United States, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that life insurance proceeds increased the value of a closely held business’ stock and therefore had to be included in valuation of the company for estate tax purposes. The ruling impacts some buy-sell agreements where the life insurance is owned by the company rather than by the individuals who own the company.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Taxes SCOTUS
2 min read

NAIFA Congressional Conference Participants Educate Lawmakers

By NAIFA on 5/15/24 2:02 PM

NAIFA’s May 20-21 Congressional Conference participants will fan out over Capitol Hill to educate lawmakers on key issues impacting NAIFA members and their clients. Several hundred participants from almost every state and Congressional District will also establish and grow the constituent-lawmaker relationships that are so key to favorable legislative outcomes.

Topics: Education Retirement Taxes Financial Literacy Congress Congressional Conference
2 min read

Impending Major Tax Bill Raises Multiple, Difficult Issues

By NAIFA on 5/15/24 1:59 PM

There will be a major tax bill in 2025, as both Republicans and Democrats contend with the looming expiration of most of the current tax code’s individual and estate tax rules. Scheduled for expiration at the end of 2025 are income and capital gains tax rates for individuals as well as the current $12+ million exemption from the estate tax. Tax policy will play a key role in the debate, but so will revenue—the cost of extending the 2017 rules is astronomical. And lawmakers are already looking at other tax issues—like, for example, the corporate tax rate—that are not scheduled to expire but are intrinsic to both tax policy and revenue issues.

Topics: Taxes Debt Congress
2 min read

Ways & Means Questions Treasury Secretary Yellen on Biden Budget, Impending Tax Bill

By NAIFA on 5/15/24 1:55 PM

The House Ways & Means Committee held a hearing on April 30 with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen as the sole witness. The hearing focused on the Biden budget tax proposals, and on the issues surrounding the scheduled expiration of the 2017 individual and estate tax rules.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
2 min read

Ways & Means Holds Hearing on TCJA and Its Expiring Tax Cuts

By NAIFA on 4/15/24 3:29 PM

The tax-writing House Ways & Means Committee held a hearing on April 11 on the TCJA and its expiring individual and estate tax provisions. Predictably, the hearing showcased GOP support for extending the TCJA’s individual and estate tax rules that expire at the end of 2025. Democrats, on the other hand, called for more taxes to be paid by corporations and “the rich.”

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
