Republicans will control the Senate in the incoming 119th Congress (2025-2026). The GOP’s undisputed win of 53 of the Senate’s 100 seats means Democrats have lost control of the upper chamber in the 119th Congress.
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GOP Will Control the Senate in the 119th Congress
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:52 AM
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Long-Term Care Insurance Taxes Debt Congress
1 min read
Republicans to Control the House in 2025-2026
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:52 AM
Republicans won the 218 seats needed to control the House; it will give the GOP the “trifecta”—a clean sweep of all three levers of legislative power in Washington.
Topics: Taxes Congress
2 min read
118th Lame Duck-Session Will Determine a Number of Key Issues
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:51 AM
A number of key issues remain to be addressed by the outgoing 118th Congress. They include the need to fund the government past the December 20 dates on which current funding authority expires. The government funding issues include extension of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) authority and funding.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL Federal Trade Commission Congressional Review Act
2 min read
Prospects for 2025 Tax Legislation
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:51 AM
If, as expected, the GOP controls both the House and Senate next year, the risks and challenges of the 2025 tax bill have become a bit clearer. Here is a run-down.
Topics: Affordable Care Act Taxes Congress Social Security
1 min read
Regulations Likely to Change under Trump Presidency
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:50 AM
Incoming President-Elect Donald Trump’s Administration is likely to roll back a plethora of regulations of concern to NAIFA members and their clients.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Affordable Care Act CMS DOL SECURE 2.0 Federal Trade Commission
2 min read
IRS Announces Inflation Adjustments for Retirement Plan Contributions
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:50 AM
On November 1, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced the inflation-adjusted limits for contributions in 2025 to retirement and other benefit plans.
Topics: Retirement Planning IRS
1 min read
Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Subject Pass-Through Income to Payroll Tax
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:49 AM
Four Democratic Senators have introduced legislation that would subject pass-through (non-corporate) business income to payroll (Social Security/Medicare) taxes. Currently, many pass-through businesses (S corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships) characterize some of their business income as dividends or other non-wage income and thus avoid having to include it in the payroll tax base.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read
NLRB General Counsel Plans Heightened Enforcement Against Non-Compete Agreements
By NAIFA on 11/22/24 10:49 AM
On October 7, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo sent a memo to staff outlining heightened enforcement against illegal non-compete agreements. The 17-page memo outlines Abruzzo’s intention to assess costs to violators of the non-compete rules. In addition, the memo to staff indicates Abruzzo’s intention to challenge employer policies that require employees to repay training costs or other penalties if they leave within a specified time frame.
Topics: National Labor Relations Board
4 min read
Congress Punts Almost Everything to Lame Duck
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:57 AM
On September 26 President Biden signed into law the three-month funding bill that avoided a government shutdown on October 1. The continuing resolution (CR) extended fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding levels until December 20 and made few (none of them controversial) policy changes. So, the tough issues—e.g., FY 2025 funding levels, whether to block certain regulations (including the fiduciary rule)—were left to be resolved during the November-December lame duck session of the 118th Congress.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Debt Congress SECURE 2.0
2 min read
Senate Finance Holds Hearing on 2025 Tax Issues
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:56 AM
On September 12, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to lay the groundwork for the 2025 tax bill effort to cut down on “tax avoidance.” The hearing highlighted proposals to improve tax equity in current law. It also focused considerable discussion on section 199A, the deduction for qualifying noncorporate business income.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read
ACA Premium Subsidies at Risk
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:55 AM
The premium tax subsidies that allow lower-income individuals to get Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance free or at reduced cost are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. If the current subsidies do expire, millions of low-income individuals will face significant health insurance cost increases. Extension of the subsidies will be a key issue in the 2025 tax bill and/or during the November-December lame-duck session of the 118th Congress.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Affordable Care Act Taxes Congress
1 min read
Senate Unanimously Passes ABLE Account Permanency Bill
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:54 AM
The ENABLE Act, a bill that makes permanent three provisions of the ABLE account law, passed the Senate under a unanimous consent agreement on September 19. The bill, the ENABLE Act, was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), the author of the original ABLE Act, and Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and in the House by Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) and Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA).
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
2 min read
Economists Forecast Huge New Debt from Presidential Candidates’ Tax Proposals
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:53 AM
Private sector economists, including the respected Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), are sounding the alarm over the cost of both presidential candidates’ tax proposals. This suggests the 2025 tax bill will be as much about revenue as tax policy.
Topics: Taxes Debt Congress
1 min read
New York House Member Plans Conference on Long-Term Care
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:52 AM
A New York Congressman, Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY), is planning a long-term care conference for this spring. He wants wide participation to create and enact legislation to address the long-term care needs of the U.S. population.
Topics: Long-Term Care Legislation & Regulations
1 min read
CMS Releases 2026 ACA Rules Impacting Agent/Brokers
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:51 AM
On October 5, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its proposed rules for Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance for 2026. The rules cover agent/broker practices.
Topics: Affordable Care Act CMS
1 min read
TIGTA Report Finds Non-Payment of Pre-Retirement Withdrawal Penalties
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:50 AM
A September 30 report from the Treasury’s Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) finds that millions of taxpayers are not paying the ten percent early withdrawal penalty tax or income taxes owed on pre-retirement early withdrawals from their retirement savings plans. This raises the specter of Congressional review of proposals for tougher enforcement.
Topics: Taxes
1 min read
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds DOL’s OT Regulation
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:49 AM
Last month the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) new overtime (OT) regulation. The court ruled that the regulation does not violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Topics: Legislation & Regulations DOL
1 min read
Treasury Issues 403(b) Guidance on Long-Term Part-Time Employees
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:48 AM
On October 3, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Treasury issued new guidance, Notice 2024-73, on coverage requirements for long-term part-time employees (LTPTE), beginning in 2025. SECURE 2.0, enacted late in 2022, includes a provision requiring employer-sponsored retirement plans to allow long-term (those with service of two years or more) part-time (those who work at least 500 hours/year) to participate in the employer-sponsored retirement savings plan.
Topics: Retirement Legislation & Regulations 401(k) Congress IRS SECURE 2.0
1 min read
ERTC Cut-Off Bill Introduced
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:47 AM
A bipartisan bill to cut off employee retention tax credit (ERTC) claims has been introduced in the Senate. The bill pulls the ERTC provisions from the House-passed HR 7024, a bill that has been long-stalled in the Senate.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read
IRS Expands Process for Correcting ERTC Claims
By NAIFA on 10/15/24 10:46 AM
On September 26, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced it is opening its employee retention tax credit (ERTC) corrections program to allow tax professionals, payroll companies and other third parties that filed ERTC claims on behalf of a business to make corrections to their clients’ claims under the agency’s voluntary disclosure program.