A bicameral GOP resolution to block the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) now-final worker classification rule has been introduced. On March 21, the House Education and the Workforce Committee approved a Congressional Review Act (CRA) motion to block the rule.
2 min read
House Advances Effort to Block the Final Worker Classification Rule
By NAIFA on 4/15/24 3:10 PM
Topics: Legislation & Regulations CMS Congress DOL
2 min read
DOL Issues Final QPAM Rule
By NAIFA on 4/15/24 2:24 PM
On April 2, the Department of Labor (DOL) finalized its qualified plan asset manager (QPAM) rule. The rule is an amendment to prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) 84-14. The rule, which imposes broad disqualifying provisions on retirement plan asset managers who have been convicted of financial crime, takes effect June 17, 2024.
Topics: Retirement Plans Congress DOL
1 min read
DOL Extends Comment Period for SECURE 2.0 Reporting/Disclosure Rules
By NAIFA on 4/15/24 2:14 PM
The Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) and the Treasury Department have announced an extension, from April 22 to May 22, 2024, of the deadline for responses to its request for information (RFI) on the effectiveness of SECURE 2.0’s notice and disclosure requirements.
Topics: Congress DOL SECURE 2.0
1 min read
Proposed Fiduciary Rule Goes to White House for Final Review
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 5:01 PM
On March 8, the Department of Labor (DOL) sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for review its proposed new fiduciary rule. This is the last step in the regulatory process prior to finalization of a rule. OIRA is an agency within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a White House agency.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL
1 min read
Six of 12 Government Funding Bills Now Law-Partial Shutdown Averted
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 4:42 PM
Congress has passed, and President Biden has signed into law a “minibus” government funding bill that provides discretionary funding for six of the 12 required appropriations bills for fiscal year (FY) 2024. The new funding law, H.R.4366, does not include the industry-sought rider to prevent the Department of Labor (DOL) from further work on its proposed new fiduciary rule.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL
2 min read
Congressional Action to Stop Worker Classification Rule on Tap
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 4:06 PM
A bicameral GOP resolution to block the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) now-final worker classification rule has been introduced. Votes on it in both the House and Senate are expected later this month.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL
2 min read
House Hearing Lambasts DOL’s Proposed Fiduciary Rule
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 3:35 PM
On February 14, a subcommittee of the House Education & the Workforce Committee held a hearing on the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) proposed new fiduciary rule. Generally, most witnesses and the subcommittee’s Republicans lambasted the proposed rule, saying it would adversely impact retirement savers.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations SEC Congress DOL NAIC Regulation Best Interest
1 min read
White-Collar Overtime Rule Gets Final Review from OIRA
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 3:06 PM
The Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) proposed rule raising the salary threshold for the exemption for white-collar workers from minimum wage and overtime rules has gone to the White House (the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, or OIRA) for final review. OIRA review is the last step prior to finalization of the proposed rule.
Topics: Federal Advocacy DOL
1 min read
Bill to Block DOL’s Proposed Overtime Rule Introduced
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 2:59 PM
A House Republican has introduced legislation to prevent the Department of Labor (DOL) from finalizing its proposed rule modifying the white-collar exemption to Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) minimum wage and overtime (OT) rules. On February 15, Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) introduced H.R.7367, the Overtime Pay Flexibility Act.
Topics: Congress DOL
1 min read
Senate HELP Committee Looks at Retirement Plans, Social Security
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 2:48 PM
The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on February 28 to examine how to increase retirement financial security through defined benefit (DB) plans, defined contribution (DC) plans, and Social Security. There was considerable focus on whether the Social Security wage base disproportionately taxes income that makes up the base of Social Security benefits. For example, one witness noted that when Social Security started, the wage base for lower income workers captured 2 percent of income whereas now it now captures 12.4 percent.
Topics: Retirement Federal Advocacy Congress DOL
2 min read
Business Groups Fight Back against Rescission of AHP Rule
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 2:37 PM
Business groups are fighting back against the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) proposed rescission of the rules governing association health plans (AHPs). The groups say AHPs are a way to make affordable health insurance accessible to small businesses and self-employed individuals.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Federal Advocacy Congress DOL
1 min read
Senate Help Advances Su Renomination
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 2:18 PM
On February 27, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted, 11 to 10 along party lines, to send President Biden’s renomination of Julie Su as Secretary of the Department of Labor (DOL) to the full Senate for a confirmation vote.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations DOL
1 min read
Forty-Five States Adopt the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Model for Suitability in Annuity Transactions
By NAIFA on 3/15/24 1:50 PM
As of March 2024, 90% of states have adopted the NAIC Best Interest Model. Vermont, New Hampshire, California, and Indiana are the most recent states to align in uniformity with other states who enacted the NAIC Model. This milestone was achieved as the Department of Labor (DOL) chose to advance its proposed and revived fiduciary-only proposal, “Retirement Security Rule,” for review by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Unlike this proposal, the best interest standard adopted in 45 states, ensures that all savers, particularly financially vulnerable middle-income Americans, can access information about different choices for long-term security in retirement.
1 min read
DOL, Treasury, PBGC Seek Information on Improved Retirement Plan Disclosure Rules
By NAIFA on 2/15/24 10:58 AM
On January 19, the Department of Labor (DOL), Treasury, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) issued a Request for Information (RFI) on the disclosure requirements of SECURE 2.0. The agencies said they would use this input to “explore ways to make it easier for workers to understand their benefits.”
Topics: Benefits Retirement Plans DOL SECURE 2.0
2 min read
NAIFA Submits Comments to DOL on Fiduciary-Only Rule
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:48 PM
On January 2, NAIFA submitted comments to the Department of Labor (DOL) on its proposed fiduciary-only rule. The comments pointed out the harm the proposal would do to middle class retirement investors and to financial professionals who already put clients’ interests first. NAIFA recommended that the proposal be withdrawn.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Federal Advocacy DOL
3 min read
Battle to Kill the Fiduciary-Only Rule Heats Up
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:33 PM
Repeating their testimony at a DOL hearing last month in comments submitted to DOL, industry advocates told a January 10 House hearing that the DOL’s fiduciary-only proposed regulations must be withdrawn. Fifty House members wrote to DOL demanding the rule’s withdrawal. DOL must sift through 19,000+ comments on the rule.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL NAIC Fiduciary
3 min read
DOL Releases New Final Rule on Worker Classification
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:28 PM
On January 9, the Department of Labor (DOL) released its new, final independent contractor classification regulation. It largely follows the proposed rule, imposing an economic reality based on the totality of the circumstances test to determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. It contains no industry or occupation exceptions or carve-outs. The rule is effective on March 11, 2024.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Congress DOL
3 min read
Congress Returns to Difficult Times
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:25 PM
When the first session of the 118th Congress ended last month, lawmakers left undone controversial and pressing business that will make January a difficult month. Pending are government funding, international aid, and expiring law issues on which there is as yet little or no consensus. Caught in the crosshairs are a tax package with provisions of interest to NAIFA members, extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and proposals to defund regulatory initiatives like the fiduciary-only rule.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress DOL SECURE 2.0 Fiduciary
1 min read
DOL Proposes Rescission of Trump-Era Association Health Plan Regulation
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:22 PM
Last month, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed rescission of the 2018 association health plan (AHP) regulations. AHPs are designed to allow small employers to band together to achieve cost-effective health insurance availability.
Topics: Legislation & Regulations DOL
1 min read
President Biden Renominates Julie Su to Head DOL
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:19 PM
On January 8, President Biden officially renominated Julie Sue as Secretary of Labor. Su failed to win the votes needed to confirm her last year, but Senate leadership pulled her nomination from the floor rather than allowing a vote against her. Su is currently serving as acting DOL Secretary.