CMS is proposing actions in the Medicare Advantage (MA) and Medicare Part D prescription drug programs to continue to strengthen protections and access to care for people with Medicare. The proposed rule aims to hold MA and Part D plans more accountable for delivering high-quality coverage so that people with Medicare are connected to the care they need when they need it.
2 min read
CMS Releases 2026 Medicare Advantage & Part D Proposed Rule
By NAIFA on 12/13/24 9:42 AM
Topics: Legislation & Regulations Medicare Medicare Part D
2 min read
NAIFA Fights Decisions to Terminate New, Renewal Medicare Part D Plan Commissions
By NAIFA on 9/16/24 3:34 PM
NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux announced that NAIFA will fight decisions to terminate existing marketing service agreements and end new and renewal commissions for Medicare prescription drug (Part D) plans. NAIFA will work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure the agency (and insurers) knows that these decisions “will curtail personal service.” NAIFA will also “offer solutions to protect” Medicare D beneficiaries., Mayeux said.
Topics: Medicare CMS NAIFA Medicare Part D
2 min read
Social Security/Medicare Trustees Issue Annual Report
By NAIFA on 5/15/24 1:37 PM
On May 6, the Social Security and Medicare trust fund trustees issued their annual report. The report predicts a financial crisis for the funds within 10 years, unless Congress intervenes before then.
Topics: Disability Insurance Medicare Congress
1 min read
CMS Seeks Information on Medicare Advantage Plans
By NAIFA on 2/15/24 10:39 AM
On January 25, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a request for information (RFI) on how to increase transparency and improve the data capabilities of Medicare-managed care plans. Comments on the RFI are due to CMS by mid-summer.
Topics: Medicaid Medicare CMS
2 min read
NAIFA Voices Concern on Proposed Medicare Advantage and Part D Changes
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:27 PM
On January 5, President Tom Cothron submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on behalf of all NAIFA members to express concern over a proposed rule change regarding the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D programs.
Topics: Medicaid Legislation & Regulations Medicare CMS Compensation Regulation Congress
1 min read
CMS Announces ACA Cost-Sharing Limits
By NAIFA on 1/16/24 3:22 PM
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced new cost-sharing limits and required contribution percentages for the 2025 benefit year. For the 2025 calendar year, the self-only coverage annual limitation on cost-sharing is $9,200. It is $18,400 for other than self-only coverage.
Topics: Medicaid Legislation & Regulations Medicare Affordable Care Act CMS
4 min read
CMS Rule Sets Medicare Advantage, Part D Marketing Rules
By NAIFA on 5/15/23 5:30 AM
On April 12, the Centers for Medicare, and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized rules governing practices involving advising/selling Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D (prescription drug) plans. The rules cover practices applicable to plan sponsors, agents, brokers, and third-party marketing associations. The final rules reflect changes sought by NAIFA.