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Advocacy in action blog

1 min read

Life Insurance Community Denounces Racial Injustice

By NAIFA on 6/2/20 10:32 AM

The life insurance community grieves with the nation over the racial injustice, brutality and bigotry that took the life of George Floyd and the lives of so many others. Too often, the justice system has failed, bringing devastating consequences such as destroyed hope, fear and division. 

Topics: Diversity Federal Advocacy
1 min read

NAIFA's Mayeux Commends DOL on Rule Allowing E-Delivery of Retirement Plan Documents

By NAIFA on 5/21/20 11:51 AM

The U.S Department of Labor has finalized a rule permitting electronic delivery of required retirement plan disclosures and documents to plan participants.

Topics: Federal Advocacy DOL Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Producer Sales & Marketing
1 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: Meeting the Moment in Response to COVID-19

By NAIFA on 5/21/20 9:57 AM

Susan Neely, president and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers, provided an inspiring and laudatory message to attendees of NAIFA’s Advocacy in Action Day. She spoke of how the life insurance and financial services industry and agents and advisors are “meeting the moment” during the COVID-19 crisis.

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: The Problem Solvers Caucus

By NAIFA on 5/20/20 5:32 PM

Reps. Tom Reed (R – NY) and Tom Souzzi (D – NY) share a strong appreciation for the insurance and financial services industry and the importance of the products and services that agents and advisors provide. The y spoke about their work and the Problem Solvers Caucus during NAIFA’s Advocacy in Action Day.

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: "Lobbying From the Living Room: Adapting Advocacy Efforts to COVID-19"

By NAIFA on 5/20/20 5:24 PM

Moderator: Diane Boyle

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: “Growing Grassroots: Why Relationships Matter”

By NAIFA on 5/20/20 5:14 PM

Tracy Jones – Moderator

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

SBA Releases PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and Instructions

By NAIFA on 5/17/20 3:52 PM

On May 15, the SBA released a standardized PPP loan forgiveness application with instructions.  The SBA still intends to publish additional rules and guidance on the program’s forgiveness provisions, but highlights from the release – and answers to a few outstanding questions – include:

Topics: COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Small Business Administration
1 min read

NAIFA to Host Online CEO Panel

By NAIFA on 5/7/20 4:33 PM

NAIFA’s Online CEO Panel
Tuesday, May 12 at 1 PM EDT
Free to all financial professionals

NAIFA is bringing together CEOs from the insurance and financial services industry’s top associations to discuss our collaborative efforts during the COVlD-19 crisis to address financial security on Main Street USA. NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux will moderate a panel consisting of:

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA Advocates for  IRI's Retirement Plan Proposals

By NAIFA on 5/6/20 8:59 AM

NAIFA along with five other organizations has sent a letter to Congress asking legislators to support the Insured Retirement Institute’s (IRI) five-point plan to help retirement savers recover from losses caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. NAIFA has worked with IRI to promote the plan and garner support in Congress.

Topics: COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Advocacy Partnerships Congress Insured Retirement Institute
1 min read

Department of Labor Releases Information on COBRA Implementation

By NAIFA on 5/6/20 8:24 AM

Recent estimates suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has cost more than 9 million Americans employer-provided health insurance, with projections indicating that those numbers will continue to rise. These individuals are generally granted the option to elect continued health coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

Topics: Health Care COVID-19 Federal Advocacy COBRA DOL
