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Advocacy in action blog

3 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: "Lobbying From the Living Room: Adapting Advocacy Efforts to COVID-19"

By NAIFA on 5/20/20 5:24 PM

Moderator: Diane Boyle

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

Advocacy in Action Day: “Growing Grassroots: Why Relationships Matter”

By NAIFA on 5/20/20 5:14 PM

Tracy Jones – Moderator

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA to Host Online CEO Panel

By NAIFA on 5/7/20 4:33 PM

NAIFA’s Online CEO Panel
Tuesday, May 12 at 1 PM EDT
Free to all financial professionals

NAIFA is bringing together CEOs from the insurance and financial services industry’s top associations to discuss our collaborative efforts during the COVlD-19 crisis to address financial security on Main Street USA. NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux will moderate a panel consisting of:

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
2 min read

NAIFA Family Response Fund to Help NAIFA Members With COVID-19 Expenses

By NAIFA on 4/16/20 5:34 PM

NAIFA has announced the creation of the NAIFA Family Response Fund to help NAIFA members with expenses related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The fund will benefit NAIFA members and their legal dependents who face financial hardship due to unexpected out-of-pocket medical or funeral expenses related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

New York Issues Emergency Regulations Requiring Insurer and Producer Notifications to Clients

By Gary Sanders on 4/9/20 11:45 AM

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) recently issued emergency regulations describing the notifications that insurers and agents must provide to their policyholders regarding the flexibility being given regarding premium payments, policy lapse and renewal and other topics. The new regulations—11 NYCRR 229.5(b) and 3 NYCRR 405.6(b)(4).

>View the Regulations

Topics: State Advocacy Standard of Care & Consumer Protection New York Grassroots
5 min read

COVID-19: Changing how we live, work… and vote

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 4/7/20 5:10 PM

On Sunday, March 29th, President Donald Trump extended his coronavirus guidelines for America, announcing 30 Days to Slow the Spread, effectively extending the minimum time for most Americans to remain at home until April 30th.

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots

COVID-19 Impacts Life Insurance Applications

By NAIFA on 4/6/20 12:35 PM

Some reinsurers and primary insurance companies have announced that they will temporarily stop accepting applications for some life insurance policies. The COVID-19 outbreak has injected a new level of uncertainty into the marketplace and made it difficult for insurers to complete underwriting tasks, such as medical exams. Low interest rates are also having an impact on carriers’ business models.

Topics: State Advocacy COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA-Arizona's State Advocacy Day Is Picture Perfect

By NAIFA on 3/10/20 3:23 PM

NAIFA-Arizona held a successful state advocacy day in Phoenix earlier this year, with approximately 40 insurance and financial professions in attendance. They hosted legislators and Capitol Hill staffers at a luncheon and met individually with their elected officials.

Topics: State Advocacy Grassroots Arizona Legislative Day
1 min read

State Advocacy Impact! NAIFA Helps Reshape Massachusetts Fiduciary Proposal

By NAIFA on 3/2/20 8:39 AM

A funny thing happened on the way to the final version of the Massachusetts Securities Division’s fiduciary rule for broker dealers and their registered representatives. NAIFA’s grassroots army made their presence known and helped to reshape what could have been a disastrous regulation for insurance and financial professionals and the Main Street consumers who rely on them for products, services, and guidance.

Topics: Grassroots Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Massachusetts
1 min read

NAIFA-Iowa Takes Advocacy to the Hill in Des Moines

By NAIFA on 2/20/20 1:11 PM

Topics: State Advocacy Grassroots Iowa Legislative Day
