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Advocacy in action blog

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NAIFA Video: The State of the Tax Bill

By NAIFA on 3/14/25 4:31 PM

Washington insiders and NAIFA consultants Danea Kehoe and Pat Raffaniello have recorded a new video outlining the congressional process of funding the federal government and providing an update on the state of federal tax legislation.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read

NAIFA Seeks Tax Law to Support Main Street Employers

By NAIFA on 2/28/25 3:43 PM

Prior to passage of the House budget resolution, NAIFA joined a letter from a coalition of Main Street Employers to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries urging passage of the resolution to protect S corporations from untenable tax increases. The resolution was passed on February 26 and has been sent to the Senate, which has been working on a separate budget resolution.

Topics: Small Business Taxes Supported Legislation
2 min read

NAIFA Seeks Middle Ground on STDLI Health Policies

By NAIFA on 9/12/23 5:25 PM

Short-term limited duration insurance (STLDI) is very important to many American families and individuals looking to fill gaps in their health insurance coverage and unable to access the individual health insurance marketplace. A current proposal by the administration would reduce the maximum allowable STLDI coverage period from 12 months to three months with a possible one-month renewal. People would be able to purchase a new STLDI policy from a different carrier, but would not be allowed to "stack" a new policy from the same carrier on an expiring policy.

Topics: Health Care Legislation & Regulations Taxes DOL Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation
1 min read

NAIFA Supports Tax Certainty for Main Street

By NAIFA on 5/18/23 4:40 PM

An important tax deduction for many individual- and family-owned businesses –  Section 199A of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – is set to expire in just two years. NAIFA strongly supports legislation sponsored by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) that would make permanent the 20% deduction for pass-through businesses.

Topics: Small Business Taxes Federal Advocacy Supported Legislation
2 min read

NAIFA-NJ Fights Proposed Financial Transaction Tax

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 10/8/20 3:36 PM

NAIFA-NJ is fighting two bills that establish a tax on high quantity processors of financial transactions, S-2902, and A-4402. NAIFA’s opposition is strengthened by coalition partners that consist of other trade associations representing 200,000 workers in the financial services industry in New Jersey, throughout the U.S., and other business groups in the state. On October 6, the coalition sent a letter to John McKeon, Chairman of the General Assembly, and Senate President Stephen Sweeney. The letter encouraged the lawmakers to consider the following as they debate moving forward with the legislation:

Topics: Retirement Planning Taxes State Advocacy New Jersey Grassroots
