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2 min read

Talking About Taxes With NAIFA SVP Diane Boyle

By Kevin Mayeux on 11/21/24 10:28 AM

I recently sat down with NAIFA Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle to discuss the election and its implications for the upcoming tax reform debate in the 119th Congress. 

Topics: Congress Tax Reform Message From the CEO NAIFA CEO Executive Summary
2 min read

Blanket Accusations Against Financial Professionals Need to Stop

By Kevin Mayeux on 9/27/24 9:22 AM

A message to NAIFA Members:

Throughout September, it has been truly inspiring to witness NAIFA members actively participating in Life Insurance Awareness Month by shining a much-needed spotlight on the tremendous value of life insurance. Your commitment to highlighting the importance of this product while educating millions of consumers on the broader issues of financial literacy helps ensure that Americans understand the many tools available to secure their financial futures.

Topics: Message From the CEO NAIFA CEO Executive Summary
