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Advocacy in action blog

2 min read

A Win for NAIFA Is a Win for Insurance and Financial Professionals

By NAIFA on 8/2/24 9:07 AM

NAIFA along with the American Council of Life Insurers and other advocacy partners recently notched a major win in our lawsuit opposing the Department of Labor’s fiduciary-only rule. As we shared with you last week, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted a stay in the lawsuit that prevents the DOL rule from going into effect September 23.

Topics: Webinar Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Federal Advocacy DOL
2 min read

The NAIFA Advocacy Webinar, 'Tax Reform Priorities and Politics,' Is Available On Demand

By NAIFA on 6/14/24 4:44 PM

Major federal tax legislation is all but certain to be coming from Washington, D.C., in 2025. Many provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are set to expire at the end of next year and Congress will need to address the situation. This NAIFA advocacy webinar, originally produced June 13 but now available on demand, gives you a better understanding of what is being dubbed the "Super Bowl of Tax" and provides insights into some of the proposals likely to shape the debate. It provides analysis of how the political landscape and upcoming election will shape the tax reform issue.

Topics: Webinar Federal Advocacy Tax Reform
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Busting Through The Gridlock with Diane Boyle

By NAIFA on 4/11/22 10:42 AM

Don't miss NAIFA Senior Vice President of Government Relations Diane Boyle on InsuranceNewsNet's webinar "Busting Through the Gridlock: A D.C. Legislative Preview" on April 13, 2022, at 1:00 pm eastern.

In a time of uncertainty leading into the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election, insurance and financial professionals may be able to break through the gridlock in Washington, D.C. 

In the webinar, Boyle will outline the legislation affecting insurance and financial professionals and the Main Street Americans they represent.

Topics: Webinar Federal Advocacy
