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Advocacy in action blog

1 min read

NAIFA-CO Sees Big Win on Proposal to Expand Annuity Taxes

By NAIFA on 6/16/20 11:24 AM

When Colorado legislators on June 8 introduced changes to the state’s tax laws that would impact insurance companies, consumers, and retirement savers, NAIFA’s state advocacy team sprang to action. The original version of the “Adjust Tax Expenditures For State Education Fund Act” (HB20-1420) would have expanded the state’s tax on some insurance premiums to include a broader range of annuity products. It also would have removed a credit applied to existing premium taxes for insurance companies that maintain home offices in Colorado.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities State Advocacy Colorado
1 min read

NAIFA Supports Legislation to Boost Registered Index-Linked Annuities

By NAIFA on 6/11/20 1:02 PM

Registered index-linked annuity (RILA) products offer a good option for some consumers who want to benefit from market growth while reducing their exposure to market losses. These are long-term, tax-deferred investments that are often well-suited for investors who are preparing for retirement, especially those who are retired or are nearing retirement and wish to reduce the impact of market downturns.

Topics: SEC Federal Advocacy Congress Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Supported Legislation
1 min read

NAIFA-WI Pushes Back on Potential Layering of Data Privacy Regulations

By NAIFA on 6/11/20 12:10 PM

NAIFA-WI teamed up with other trade associations representing the insurance and financial services industry to push back on a potential regulatory proposal that would complicate existing data privacy and security laws. 

Topics: State Advocacy Wisconsin Grassroots Privacy Data Security
1 min read

NAIFA Sees Small Victory in Colorado Secure Choice Plan

By NAIFA on 6/10/20 5:48 PM

Colorado’s Implementation of Colorado Secure Savings Program bill, SB 200, is on a trajectory to pass. NAIFA, along with the American Council of Life Insurers, Insured Retirement Institute, and National Federation of Independent Business, worked diligently to counter the measure. There was limited time for debate. Also, the proposal is an initiative of the House Speaker. These factors make it all but impossible to defeat.

Topics: Retirement Planning State-Facilitated Retirement Plans State Advocacy Colorado
1 min read

Arizona Annuity Sales Standards Bill Signed Into Law

By Julie Harrison on 6/9/20 2:55 PM

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law SB 1557 on Friday June 5, 2020. The measure will amend the state’s requirements governing annuity recommendations and sales by requiring producers and insurers to act in the best interest of annuity purchasers and to not put their own financial interests ahead of the consumers’ interest. These revisions track amendments made earlier this year by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to the NAIC Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation, which aligns well with the SEC’s Regulation Best Interest and will raise the standard of care required of financial professionals while preserving consumers’ access to valuable financial advice, services and products.

Topics: State Advocacy Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Annuity Best Interest Arizona Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation
1 min read

NAIFA Stands for Financial Security

By Suzanne Carawan on 6/8/20 5:42 PM

Last week NAIFA issued a joint statement with industry association partners to denounce racial injustice. NAIFA has always advocated for financial security for all and the responses we received to our statement were overwhelmingly positive. Our active pursuit of racial equality does not support violence or any activity that works against financial security—including looting, marring our national monuments and destroying private property. We are further saddened by the damage done through rioting and in no way condone these activities as a method of protest.

Topics: State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA Praises Legislation to Provide Flexibility on COVID-19 PPP Loans

By NAIFA on 6/4/20 4:11 PM

The U.S. Senate has passed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act that would increase the program’s loan period for borrowers seeking forgiveness from eight weeks to six months. The legislation would also expand the ability of small businesses to use PPP funds to pay rent, mortgages, utilities, and other essential business costs. The bill keeps the obligations requiring recipients seeking loan forgiveness to avoid layoffs and provide worker protections. The House of Representatives had previously passed the bill, and the president is expected to sign it into law.

Topics: COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Congress
1 min read

Sen. Scott Offers Thoughts on the Next Round of COVID-19 Legislation

By NAIFA on 6/3/20 3:09 PM

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) had some interesting things to say on the Politico "Morning Money" program about the economic recovery and the potential for future COVID-19 legislation. As a former financial professional and NAIFA member in the days before he entered politics, Scott shows a strong understanding of the issues important to agents and advisors and their Main Street clients.

Topics: COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Congress
1 min read

Life Insurance Community Denounces Racial Injustice

By NAIFA on 6/2/20 10:32 AM

The life insurance community grieves with the nation over the racial injustice, brutality and bigotry that took the life of George Floyd and the lives of so many others. Too often, the justice system has failed, bringing devastating consequences such as destroyed hope, fear and division. 

Topics: Diversity Federal Advocacy
1 min read

NAIFA’s Harrison Named to the NIPR Board of Directors

By NAIFA on 5/28/20 7:51 PM

Julie Harrison, NAIFA's Director of State Chapter Government Relations, has been named to the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) Board of Directors.

Topics: Interstate Advocacy NIPR Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Producer Licensing & CE
