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Advocacy in action blog

1 min read

Health Care Marketplace Special Enrollment Period to Open Feb. 15 - May 15

By NAIFA on 1/29/21 12:20 PM

In case you missed it, HealthCare.gov sent a notice that the Department of Health and Human Services has announced a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for individuals and families for Marketplace coverage in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency the notice says: 

Topics: Health Care Federal Advocacy CMS
1 min read

NAIFA Urges New Congress to Take Up Bipartisan Retirement Bill

By Judi Carsrud on 1/21/21 3:10 PM

NAIFA is hopeful that the 117th Congress will reintroduce and enact the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020 (SSRA), bipartisan legislation with many provisions to make it easier for employers to offer plans and to encourage higher participation rates by employees.

Topics: Retirement Planning Federal Advocacy Congress SECURE 2.0
1 min read

NAIFA Looks to Work With the Biden Administration on Financial Security Policies

By NAIFA on 1/20/21 1:54 PM

NAIFA congratulates President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their inauguration and looks forward to working with the Biden administration on policies to promote financial security and access to financial products, services, and advice for all Americans.

Topics: Federal Advocacy White House
1 min read

NAIFA Members Participate in CMS Roundtable for Agents/Brokers

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 1/14/21 6:47 PM

On Wednesday, January 13, NAIFA members Elie Harriett and Alan Winstead participated in an invitation-only roundtable hosted by the Department for Health and Human Services’ Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. The discussion centered around marketplace policies and initiatives that impact agents and brokers.

Topics: Health Care Federal Advocacy CMS
3 min read

NAIFA Advocacy Helped Shape DOL Rule on Independent Contractors

By Mike Hedge on 1/6/21 1:20 PM

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced today a final rule clarifying the standard for employee- versus independent contractor-status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). NAIFA has worked closely with DOL to ensure an equitable rule that considers the needs of the insurance industry. NAIFA submitted comments on DOL’s rulemaking on October 26, 2020.

Topics: Federal Advocacy DOL Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Producer Employment
1 min read

Repeal of Health Insurers' Antitrust Exemption Likely to Harm Consumers

By NAIFA on 12/23/20 11:13 AM

On December 22, the Senate voted to repeal the McCarran-Ferguson antitrust exemption for health insurance companies by passing HR 1418, the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act. The House passed the bill on Sept. 21. President Donald J. Trump is expected to sign the bill into law later this week.

Topics: Health Care Federal Advocacy
1 min read

Spending Bill Loosens Restrictions on FSAs

By NAIFA on 12/23/20 11:01 AM

As part of the COVID relief package passed by Congress, NAIFA-backed Flexible Spending Account (FSA) relief was included to relieve some of the financial burden consumers face regarding healthcare costs and health spending account allocations. Known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, (CAA) it includes provisions extending FSA benefits to those enrolled in such plans.

Topics: Health Care COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Congress
4 min read

A Deeper Dive Look at Amendments to the Paycheck Protection Program

By NAIFA on 12/22/20 11:55 AM

As we posted earlier, agreement has come together at the final hour on the much-anticipated COVID-19 relief and government-funding legislation. The 5,593-page legislation is expected to be signed by President Trump today.

Topics: COVID-19 Federal Advocacy Congress
4 min read

NAIFA-Supported Surprise Medical Billing Provision Is Part of Year-End Legislation

By NAIFA on 12/22/20 9:09 AM

Congress has passed the final COVID-19 relief package of 2020 to support the economy and provide further relief during the continuing pandemic. Included within the 5,593-page bill is a provision to end surprise medical billing. The surprise medical billing language provides no government rate setting. The inclusion of this provision is arguably the most important patient-protection inclusion since the creation of Medicare Part D. NAIFA worked with congressional leaders in both the Senate and House, advising legislators of the importance of including surprise medical billing in the final bill.

Topics: Health Care Federal Advocacy Congress
1 min read

NAIFA Supports the Improving Retirement Savings Act

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 12/21/20 5:21 PM

Topics: Retirement Planning Federal Advocacy Congress Supported Legislation
