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Advocacy in action blog

2 min read

NAIFA’s Congressional Conference, the Premier Federal Grassroots Advocacy Event for Financial Services Professionals, to Be May 23-24

By NAIFA on 1/7/22 2:45 PM

NAIFA has announced that it will hold its 2022 Congressional Congress in-person May 23-24 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature targeted advocacy training with briefings on legislative issues that affect members’ businesses and the clients they serve. Expert presenters will offer best practices for conducting Congressional meetings and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

NAIFA Members Get Together With California Lawmakers

By NAIFA on 10/15/21 4:38 PM

NAIFA-CA members, including National President Tom Michel, LACP, and Past President John Davidson, LUTCF, FSS, attended a meeting earlier this week with California state and federal lawmakers. During the event, NAIFA members were able to connect with several state officials.

Topics: State Advocacy Grassroots California Legislative Day
1 min read

Kim Durcho Joins NAIFA’s Government Relations Team as Grassroots Director

By NAIFA on 9/20/21 3:40 PM

NAIFA is pleased to welcome Kim Durcho as a Grassroots Director. Durcho joins NAIFA’s Government Relations team and reports to Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle.

As Grassroots Director, Durcho will develop and execute a comprehensive advocacy program to foster member participation in grassroots efforts at the national and state level.

Topics: Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA Supports Employee Voter Registration Week

By Kim Durcho on 9/9/21 4:11 PM

NAIFA has signed on as an official partner for Employee Voter Registration Week, which will take place from September 27 to October 1. During this week, NAIFA along with other companies and trade associations will be active on social media encouraging stakeholders and employees across the country to get registered to vote in the upcoming elections.

Topics: State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Grassroots
2 min read

NAIFA-Dallas Hosts Legislative Luncheon

By NAIFA on 8/31/21 2:04 PM

NAIFA’s Dallas chapter recently held its annual legislative luncheon. During the event, NAIFA members met with federal and state legislators and their staff and shared key NAIFA advocacy messages. NAIFA-TX lobbyist Elizabeth Hadley and NAIFA’s national Government Relations Director Mike Hedge joined the event and gave a legislative update via Zoom.

Topics: State Advocacy NAIFA-Dallas Grassroots Legislative Day Texas
2 min read

NAIFA-WI Builds Advocacy Momentum With In-District Events

By NAIFA on 8/24/21 10:02 AM

Politically active members of NAIFA's Wisconsin chapter have maintained NAIFA's grassroots advocacy push throughout June, July, and August. According to NAIFA Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle, NAIFA-WI leads all NAIFA's state chapters in in-district meetings with lawmakers and their staff this summer.

Topics: Wisconsin Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA Advocacy Goes to the District Level During Congressional Break

By NAIFA on 8/17/21 3:01 PM

Congress is out of session for its annual August recess, which means that NAIFA members across the country are taking advantage of the opportunity to meet hold in-district meetings with lawmakers and their staff. NAIFA is the leading grassroots organization for insurance and financial professionals with members in every congressional district. Every year, NAIFA encourages members to meet with their Representatives and Senators during the August recess to reinforce the advocacy message shared at NAIFA’s May Congressional Conference.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congress
4 min read

NAIFA-CO Shows Advocacy Influence Throughout an Intense Legislative Session

By NAIFA on 6/18/21 3:46 PM

The First Regular Session of Colorado’s 73rd General Assembly ended Tuesday, June 8, 2021. The legislature introduced 627 pieces of legislation and 80% of those introduced bills passed and will be up for action by the Governor.

NAIFA-CO was very busy this session beginning with hosting a virtual Lobby Day for legislators featuring Securities Commissioner Tung Chang and the Division of Insurance, Deputy Director Kate Harris. NAIFA-CO finished out the legislative session testifying and advocating on numerous bills. In total, NAIFA monitored and actively worked on 24 pieces of legislation.

Topics: State Advocacy Colorado Grassroots
3 min read

Members of Congress Praise NAIFA Advocates at Virtual Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/28/21 10:34 AM

NAIFA’s Virtual Congressional Conference, May 25-26, was an overwhelming success, with more than 1,300 registered participants. These insurance and financial advisors received advocacy training, benefited from policy briefings, and heard words of encouragement from Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Reps. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) and Darin LaHood (R-IL), as well as NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux and American Council of Life Insurers President and CEO Susan Neely.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference

NAIFA President Michel: It's Not Too Late to Register for Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/23/21 3:30 PM

NAIFA President Tom Michel, LACP, is a political advocacy rock star! He's met with more than 100 legislators in his career and had an impact on policy decisions vital to his business, the insurance and financial services industry, and the consumers who depend on financial professionals. He understands the power of the Congressional Conference, his favorite NAIFA event of the year, and extends his personal invitation for all insurance and financial advisors to attend this year's virtual event.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
