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Advocacy in action blog

2 min read

NAIFA-Louisiana and Edward Jones Promote Financial Literacy Resolutions

By NAIFA on 5/2/24 12:49 PM

National Financial Literacy Month came to a close at the end of April 30, but educating consumers about the importance understanding their finances is a task NAIFA members can take to heart throughout the year. It's also has an important advocacy component. We are #NAIFAproud of members from NAIFA-Louisiana who worked in cooperation with Edward Jones and were instrumental in getting both the state House of Representatives and Senate to pass resolutions recognizing April as Financial Literacy Month in the state.

Topics: State Advocacy Financial Literacy Louisiana
2 min read

NAIFA-LA Secures Financial Professional Exemption in State Independent Contractor Law

By Julie Harrison on 6/22/21 8:56 AM

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards recently signed a NAIFA-supported misclassification of workers bill into law. The bill, SB 244, outlines a 12-point definition for “independent contractor” developed by the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry which classifies an independent contractor as anyone who can meet seven of the 12 points. According to the new law, independent contractors could include workers who can’t set their hours, are not allowed to work for other businesses, and are directly managed or supervised by the contracting party.

Topics: State Advocacy Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Louisiana Producer Employment
