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Advocacy in action blog

2 min read

NAIFA Strongly Supports SECURE 2.0 Retirement Bill Passed by the House

By NAIFA on 3/29/22 9:41 PM

NAIFA commends the House of Representatives on passing the SECURE 2.0 (H.R.2954) retirement planning legislation in a 414-5 vote. The popular legislation simplifies the process and creates incentives for employers to create and enroll employees in workplace retirement plans. It also creates greater flexibility for workers who contribute to the plans.

Topics: Retirement Planning Federal Advocacy Congress Supported Legislation SECURE 2.0
2 min read

Sen. Scott Touts Care Planning and LTC Insurance in Committee Hearing

By NAIFA on 3/25/22 2:36 PM

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) knows the importance of the insurance and financial services industry and the role of agents and advisors in the wellbeing of Main Street Americans. He gained much of this understanding in his pre-political career as an insurance professional and NAIFA member.

Topics: Long-Term Care Federal Advocacy Congress
4 min read

Next-Level Political Involvement: NAIFA Members Are Running for Office

By NAIFA on 3/22/22 2:40 PM

Being politically engaged is part of being a good NAIFA citizen. Understanding and working to influence public policy to promote financial security benefits NAIFA members' businesses, colleagues, clients, and communities, as well as all consumers. This election year, at least seven NAIFA members are taking their advocacy to the next level by running for statewide office.

Topics: State Advocacy Member Spotlight Federal Advocacy
1 min read

Many Americans Support Building on Our Current Health Care System

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 3/21/22 3:10 PM

The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future recently published results from a nationwide poll showing that the push for transforming the American health care system through a public option, Medicare-for-All or other government interventions in the market is losing traction with American voters.

Topics: Health Care State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Advocacy Partnerships
2 min read

NAIFA-GA Members Gather in Atlanta for a Successful Legislative Day With State Lawmakers

By NAIFA on 3/21/22 2:58 PM

NAIFA’s Georgia chapter (NAIFA-GA) held its annual Legislative Day in Atlanta earlier this year. Speakers at the event included:

Topics: State Advocacy Georgia Grassroots Legislative Day
1 min read

NAIFA’s GOTV Resources Now Available to Empower Political Participation

By NAIFA on 3/17/22 10:19 AM

NAIFA’s Get Out the Vote (GOTV) resources are now available to NAIFA members and the general public online at gotv4financialsecurity.org. The website provides educational materials to help NAIFA members and the consumers who they help achieve financial security understand how the election process works and make informed decisions at the polls.

Topics: State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Grassroots
1 min read

Lend Your Voice to Help Reopen the Capitol

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 3/16/22 7:16 PM

Over the past few weeks, NAIFA has encouraged Congressional leadership to expand access to the US Capitol campus. Numerous reports confirm Congressional leadership is working on a bicameral reopening plan for the entire Capitol grounds.  With the 2022 Congressional Conference merely two months away, we are happy to hear that leadership is working on a phased reopening plan.  By reopening the Capitol, we will be able to get back to our in-person visits which allow us to discuss issues relating to the financial services industry and explain the impact that certain policies have on your clients and businesses.

Topics: Grassroots
1 min read

NAIFA-Alabama Hosts Successful Legislative Day

By Bianca Alonso Weiss on 3/14/22 4:15 PM

NAIFA’s Alabama chapter (NAIFA-AL) held a recent state Legislative Day in Montgomery. The event featured a welcome from NAIFA-AL President Booker Joseph and NAIFA-AL Grassroots Chair Matthew Wilson, followed by afternoon meetings with state legislators at the Capitol. Senator J.T. “Jabo” Waggoner recognized NAIFA-Alabama in the gallery during the Senate proceedings that day.

Topics: State Advocacy Grassroots Alabama Legislative Day
2 min read

NCOIL Adopts NAIFA-Supported Resolution to Preserve Independent Contractor Status for Advisors

By NAIFA on 3/9/22 9:35 AM

The National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) unanimously approved a "Resolution Supporting Independent Contractor Status for Insurance Agents and Other Licensed Financial Professionals" at its Spring Meeting in Las Vegas. The resolution, sponsored by NCOIL President and California Assemblyman Ken Cooley states that "NCOIL will encourage states and federal entities that are debating worker classification policies and that are considering adopting a strict ABC Test and or other similarly worker classification laws to continue issuing exemptions for, or exempting out, licensed insurance agents and other financial professionals."

Topics: Interstate Advocacy NCOIL
2 min read

South Dakota Law Strengthens Protections for Consumers Seeking Lifetime Income in Retirement

By NAIFA & ACLI on 3/8/22 4:34 PM

American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) President and CEO Susan Neely and NAIFA-SD President Jennifer Soma issued the following joint statement on the best interest annuity law recently signed by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem:

Topics: State Advocacy Standard of Care & Consumer Protection Annuity Best Interest Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation South Dakota
