On March 1, 2022, NAIFA-Nebraska hosted their successful Legislative Day event in Lincoln. NAIFA-NE members in attendance received briefings from:
Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley, Nebraska Department of Insurance Director, Eric Dunning, and other state government and regulatory officials. Members then split up and delivered boxed lunches and held meetings with 31 Nebraska state senators and staff members.
Today’s advocacy rewind reminds us of the importance of comprehensive advocacy. Legislative days and in-district meetings provide great opportunities for insurance and financial professionals to share with lawmakers their expertise and understanding of how laws and regulations impact Main Street consumers.
NAIFA state chapters are working on scheduling in-district meetings with their members of Congress during the month of August to discuss the biggest issues impacting the industry. Meeting with lawmakers and their staff is vital to our advocacy efforts at NAIFA. Building strong relationships with legislators at both the state and federal levels help our members to have a seat at the table when important issues key to insurance and financial services are being discussed. In turn, and most importantly, this means that our clients have a voice in the legislative process.
The passion NAIFA members have for advocacy is unparalleled. NAIFA looks forward to continuing to serve Main Street and strengthening our relationships with elected officials.
Nebraska State Senator Mike Moser (left), with NAIFA-Nebraska members, Mirma Lawrence and Tony Buechler.
NAIFA Nebraska member, Angie Pavelka (left), Nebraska State Senator Steven Halloran (middle), and NAIFA-Nebraska member, David Hunt (right).
Nebraska Director of Banking and Finance, Kelly Lammers.