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Advocacy in action blog

1 min read

NAIFA Video: The State of the Tax Bill

By NAIFA on 3/14/25 4:31 PM

Washington insiders and NAIFA consultants Danea Kehoe and Pat Raffaniello have recorded a new video outlining the congressional process of funding the federal government and providing an update on the state of federal tax legislation.

Topics: Legislation & Regulations Taxes Congress
1 min read

NAIFA Advocates for Stability in Medicare Advantage and Part D Markets

By NAIFA on 3/6/25 3:03 PM

Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D consumers rely on agents and brokers to help them understand and make informed decisions about these often complex products. Yet, ongoing instability in the marketplace and uncertainty about compensation for agents and brokers are making it difficult for professionals to give critical guidance to their clients.

NAIFA has joined NABIP, HAFA, the Big I, and the CIAB in asking Congress to address these challenges.

Topics: Medicare Congress Medicare Part D
2 min read

Talking About Taxes With NAIFA SVP Diane Boyle

By Kevin Mayeux on 11/21/24 10:28 AM

I recently sat down with NAIFA Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle to discuss the election and its implications for the upcoming tax reform debate in the 119th Congress. 

Topics: Congress Tax Reform Message From the CEO NAIFA CEO Executive Summary
3 min read

Financial Professionals to Advocate for Their Businesses and Clients at NAIFA’s Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/16/24 10:07 AM

NAIFA is hosting the 11th annual Congressional Conference May 20-21 at the JW Marriott in Washington, D.C. The event will feature targeted advocacy training with briefings on legislative issues that affect members’ businesses, clients, and communities. Washington insiders will offer best practices for conducting Congressional meetings and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Topics: Press Release Federal Advocacy Congress Congressional Conference
3 min read

NAIFA Fly-In Spotlights Women’s Financial Security in Meetings With Members of Congress

By NAIFA on 3/4/24 1:14 PM

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) hosted its second Women’s Financial Security Fly-In March 6-7 in Washington, D.C. The event, designed to encourage the political involvement of women financial professionals, featured a day of grassroots advocacy training, policy briefings, inspirational discussions, and networking. On the second day of the event, attendees from 15 different states went to Capitol Hill for meetings with lawmakers representing their home states and districts.

Topics: Women Press Release Grassroots Congress
2 min read

NAIFA's Gandy Tells Congress DOL Proposal Is Unnecessary

By NAIFA on 3/1/24 8:41 AM

NAIFA wholeheartedly supports a best interest standard for retirement investment professionals, but believes the Department of Labor's proposal to impose a fiduciary-only regulation goes too far, NAIFA Secretary Chris Gandy wrote in letter submitted to be part of the official record of a recent House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, & Pensions hearing entitled "Protecting American Savers and Retirees from DOL’s Regulatory Overreach.”

Topics: Federal Advocacy Congress DOL Supported Legislation
1 min read

Register Today! NAIFA's Congressional Conference Is a Can't-Miss Event

By NAIFA on 2/18/24 5:31 PM

NAIFA's Congressional Conference shines a spotlight on NAIFA's unmatched advocacy influence and provides financial professionals with another way to serve clients' best interests. NAIFA members who meet with their members of Congress this May will not only be advocating for their own businesses but also for their colleagues, clients, and communities. Decisions made in Washinton, D.C., affect families and businesses nationwide that rely on NAIFA members for financial guidance.

Topics: Grassroots Congress Congressional Conference
2 min read

NAIFA Seeks Legislation to Solidify the State-Based Regulation of Insurance

By NAIFA on 1/11/24 4:08 PM

State-based regulation of insurance has been a bedrock of the industry and effectively protects the interests of consumers. Federal law, including Title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, recognizes this fact and explicitly exempts the business of insurance from regulation by federal Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP).

NAIFA and a coalition of groups representing a majority of the U.S. companies and agents offering property-casualty, title, and life insurance have asked Congress for additional legislation that would clarify provisions in Dodd-Frank and solidify the state-based system of insurance regulation.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Congress Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Supported Legislation
2 min read

NAIFA Supports the Congressional Financial Literacy and Wealth Creation Caucus

By NAIFA on 10/20/23 3:55 PM

NAIFA is a strong proponent of the Congressional Financial Literacy and Wealth Creation Caucus and has urged members of Congress to join during the Congressional Conference and In-District Meetings earlier this year. The bipartisan caucus raises issues important to NAIFA members and consumers they serve in the consciousness of lawmakers. Its members are legislators "committed to empowering Americans with the tools needed to build wealth and achieve financial stability."

Topics: Financial Literacy Federal Advocacy Congress
7 min read

More Than 135 In-District Meetings Illustrate NAIFA's Grassroots Impact

By NAIFA on 9/22/23 1:59 PM

NAIFA members held more than 135 In-District Meetings with federal lawmakers and senior staff during the recent Congressional recess. This is the second post-COVID year in a row that the number of meetings has reached triple digits. In addition, many NAIFA members also met with state officials over the summer.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congress August In-Districts
