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Advocacy in action blog

1 min read

Agents and Advisors Need to Represent Their Clients and Communities at Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/5/22 8:55 AM

NAIFA Trustee Aprilyn Chavez Geissler, LACP, loyal member since 2005, says that insurance and financial professionals offer an important perspective on how legislative decisions affect Main Street Americans and their communities. NAIFA's Congressional Conference, May 23-24 in Washington, D.C., is a great opportunity for agents and advisors to talk with lawmakers about issues important to their clients and communities.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

You Don't Have to Be an Experienced Advocate to Make a Difference at NAIFA's Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 4/19/22 9:43 AM

NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C., member and Young Advisor Team Leader of the Year Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CFBS, CIS, LACP, CAE, provides his insights on NAIFA's Congressional Conference and how you don't have to be an experienced advocate to make difference. While Haney grew up in the D.C. area, our elected officials are interested in hearing the Main Street stories of insurance and financial professionals from around the country. Lend your voice by joining us May 23-24 at NAIFA's Congressional Conference.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Bryon Holz Urges Producers to Attend NAIFA's Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 4/11/22 3:46 PM

NAIFA’s annual Congressional Conference is crucial to our grassroots advocacy strategy. The event brings NAIFA members together as a critical mass to advocate on behalf of their businesses, clients, consumers, and the insurance and financial services industry. It provides targeted advocacy training with briefings on specific legislative issues, best practices for conducting congressional meetings, and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Bryon Holz, NAIFA President-Elect, urges every producer in financial services and insurance to attend this year's Congressional Conference to be an advocate for your Main Street USA clients.


Don't miss this opportunity to make your voice heard!

Register Now.  Represent Your State.  Advocate.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Busting Through The Gridlock with Diane Boyle

By NAIFA on 4/11/22 10:42 AM

Don't miss NAIFA Senior Vice President of Government Relations Diane Boyle on InsuranceNewsNet's webinar "Busting Through the Gridlock: A D.C. Legislative Preview" on April 13, 2022, at 1:00 pm eastern.

In a time of uncertainty leading into the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential election, insurance and financial professionals may be able to break through the gridlock in Washington, D.C. 

In the webinar, Boyle will outline the legislation affecting insurance and financial professionals and the Main Street Americans they represent.

Topics: Webinar Federal Advocacy
1 min read

CMS Wants NAIFA Members' Feedback on the 2023 Medicare & You Handbook Draft

By NAIFA on 4/8/22 3:00 PM

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is asking for NAIFA members who work with the seniors or Medicare markets to provide feedback on the draft of their Medicare & You Handbook for 2023.

If you would like to submit comments on this draft, please do so using the spreadsheet linked below. Comments must be submitted by Wednesday, April 13, by the end of the day to Cody Schoonover (cschoonover@naifa.org).

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots CMS Insurance & Financial Advisor Regulation Producer Sales & Marketing
8 min read

Biden FY 2023 Budget Proposes $1 Trillion+ in New Taxes, Mostly on Corporations, Wealthy Individuals

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 4/5/22 10:49 AM

On March 28, President Biden sent Congress a Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget that calls for $1.58 trillion in discretionary spending (a 7.4 percent increase over last year) and over $1 trillion in new taxes. The budget, the Administration says, would reduce the federal deficit by $1 trillion over ten years.

Most of the new taxes would come from the proposal to hike the corporate tax rate from the current 21 percent to 28 percent (starting in 2023) and from a new 20 percent tax on a combination of income and capital wealth held by households with $100 million or more in income from earnings and increases in the value of their capital assets. The budget also proposes raising the top individual tax rate to 39.6 percent.

Topics: Retirement Planning Federal Advocacy Congress Tax Reform
2 min read

NAIFA Strongly Supports SECURE 2.0 Retirement Bill Passed by the House

By NAIFA on 3/29/22 9:41 PM

NAIFA commends the House of Representatives on passing the SECURE 2.0 (H.R.2954) retirement planning legislation in a 414-5 vote. The popular legislation simplifies the process and creates incentives for employers to create and enroll employees in workplace retirement plans. It also creates greater flexibility for workers who contribute to the plans.

Topics: Retirement Planning Federal Advocacy Congress Supported Legislation SECURE 2.0
2 min read

Sen. Scott Touts Care Planning and LTC Insurance in Committee Hearing

By NAIFA on 3/25/22 2:36 PM

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) knows the importance of the insurance and financial services industry and the role of agents and advisors in the wellbeing of Main Street Americans. He gained much of this understanding in his pre-political career as an insurance professional and NAIFA member.

Topics: Long-Term Care Federal Advocacy Congress
4 min read

Next-Level Political Involvement: NAIFA Members Are Running for Office

By NAIFA on 3/22/22 2:40 PM

Being politically engaged is part of being a good NAIFA citizen. Understanding and working to influence public policy to promote financial security benefits NAIFA members' businesses, colleagues, clients, and communities, as well as all consumers. This election year, at least seven NAIFA members are taking their advocacy to the next level by running for statewide office.

Topics: State Advocacy Member Spotlight Federal Advocacy
1 min read

Many Americans Support Building on Our Current Health Care System

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on 3/21/22 3:10 PM

The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future recently published results from a nationwide poll showing that the push for transforming the American health care system through a public option, Medicare-for-All or other government interventions in the market is losing traction with American voters.

Topics: Health Care State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Advocacy Partnerships
