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Congress has left Washington for an extended (lawmakers do not return until September 9) summer recess. NAIFA members are visiting with their Representatives and Senators at home.

Lawmakers are, not surprisingly, preoccupied with election politics and campaigning. In November, one-third of the Senate seats are up for election, as is the entire House of Representatives. And, of course, Americans will be voting for a new president who will take office in January 2025. That means all lawmakers are particularly sensitive to the opinions and desires of their constituents. NAIFA members should make sure to tell their Representatives (those who represent their homes as well as those who represent the area where their businesses are) that current law tax rules governing life and health insurance, annuities, retirement savings, employer-provided benefits, and small businesses are very important to their constituents’ ability to safeguard their families and businesses financial futures. These rules are not “tax loopholes”—rather, they are the foundation of sound financial planning.

NAIFA In-District meetings are a great way to either start developing relationships with your Congressional leaders or deepen connections you've already made. NAIFA In-District meetings tend to be more informal, and often, Congressional leaders have more time to learn about the work that NAIFA members do for Main Street. Sign up to participate here.

 Prospects: There is nothing so influential as grassroots input from constituents. The specific issue of education is important, of course, but so too is the relationship-building that happens during these at-home visits. Constituent lobbying when lawmakers are at home is a critical element of the defense NAIFA is building ahead of what looks like an intense end of the 118th Congress, and even more fraught beginning, in January, of the 119th Congress.

 NAIFA Staff Contacts: Diane Boyle – Senior Vice President – Government Relations, at dboyle@naifa.org; or Jayne Fitzgerald – Director – Government Relations, at jfitzgerald@naifa.org; or Michael Hedge – Senior Director – Government Relations, at mhedge@naifa.org.
