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Advocacy in action blog

3 min read

NAIFA-Utah Members Make a Lasting Impression with Members of Congress

By Mark Anderson on 8/4/23 2:59 PM

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 
- Mother Teresa. 

On August 3rd, NAIFA-Utah held its annual Legislative Engagement Day in Salt Lake. The fact that we were able to count on all four of our U.S. Congressional representatives to participate made for a successful and informative meeting. Dori Phillips, our NAIFA-Utah VP of Advocacy and our Grassroots Chair representative, did a superb job of coordinating schedules so that each could address us. While their broad message focused on the state of the nation, each had a unique approach and shared stories of their own path and experience in working with financial professionals.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots Utah
2 min read

NAIFA Members’ Powerful Grassroots Message for Financial Security Hits Home

By NAIFA on 8/1/23 1:50 PM

Congress has begun its August recess, and members of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) are capitalizing on lawmakers’ annual working session in their home districts by meeting with their Representatives and Senators to strengthen grassroots relationships and discuss issues important to financial professionals and their clients.

Topics: Press Release Grassroots Congress
1 min read

NAIFA to Keep Grassroots Momentum Going in In-District Meetings

By NAIFA on 6/21/23 4:01 PM

Each year, NAIFA capitalizes on the grassroots momentum created by our state chapters' Legislative Days and the national Congressional Conference by coordinating in-district meetings with members of Congress during the August legislative recess. You should be a part of it and invite colleagues to join, too.

Topics: Grassroots Congress
3 min read

NAIFA Recognizes Senator Tim Scott as a Former Insurance Agent and NAIFA Member Turned Presidential Candidate

By NAIFA on 5/19/23 1:05 PM

NAIFA recognizes Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina on the announcement of his campaign to run for President of the United States. Scott is a former NAIFA member and prior to serving in Congress was an insurance and financial services professional who built one of the most successful Allstate agencies in South Carolina.

Topics: Press Release Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

NAIFA to Host Over 500 Attendees from Across America at its 10th Annual Congressional Conference

By NAIFA on 5/17/23 3:11 PM

NAIFA will host the 10th annual Congressional Conference May 22-23 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature targeted advocacy training with briefings on legislative issues that affect members’ businesses and the clients they serve. Expert presenters will offer best practices for conducting Congressional meetings and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Topics: Press Release Federal Advocacy Grassroots Congressional Conference
1 min read

Advocacy Ambassadors Bolster NAIFA's Grassroots Influence

By NAIFA on 1/24/23 5:13 PM

Participation by NAIFA members is key to our grassroots advocacy strength. Learn how you can make a difference by signing up to be a NAIFA Advocacy Ambassador. Be a legislative contact, write a letter to the editor or op-ed, testify at a public hearing, visit with your lawmaker, or host an event. Find out all of the ways you can get involved.

Topics: State Advocacy Federal Advocacy Grassroots
5 min read

Leaders Share NAIFA's Advocacy Message With Congress

By NAIFA on 11/28/22 5:25 PM

NAIFA members attending the National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., held more than 150 meetings with their Senators, Representatives, and congressional staffers. NAIFA's grassroots advocacy is second-to-none in the insurance and financial services industry. Our members' message resonates loudly with Congress because NAIFA members represent the interests of their Main Street clients from across the country.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots
3 min read

More Than 30 Hispanic and Women NAIFA Members Earn Financial Security Advocate Badges at Phoenix Event

By Diane Boyle on 8/23/22 10:19 AM

NAIFA’s Advocacy Accelerator Couse for women and Hispanic members taught during NAIFA's recent Apex sales summit in Phoenix adds over 30 new Financial Security Advocates. NAIFA's integrated advocacy program that includes state, interstate, and federal advocacy is the largest and most comprehensive advocacy program in the industry. The critical element in NAIFA's 130+ year advocacy track record of success remains, and will always be, our members' participation—otherwise known as grassroots engagement. Several hundred members have participated in online and in-person training courses to gain skills and confidence in the advocacy process and earned the coveted Financial Security Advocate badge.

Topics: Grassroots
2 min read

NAIFA-Utah Members Meet With Lawmakers at In-State Event

By NAIFA on 8/17/22 3:51 PM

NAIFA-UT recently took advantage of the August Congressional recess to hold a very successful Legislative Day. More than 50 NAIFA members were in attendance along with Representatives Burgess Owens, Chris Stewart, and Blake Moore. Also attending was a staff member from Senator Mike Lee’s office. Representative John Curtis had a prior commitment but addressed the audience via video.

Topics: Member Spotlight Federal Advocacy Grassroots Utah
3 min read

In-District Meetings Are Underway

By NAIFA on 8/11/22 4:11 PM

When Congress is in recess, like it is right now, NAIFA's grassroots advocacy actually picks up. NAIFA members across the country are meeting with their Representatives and Senators in their home districts this August.

NAIFA's yearlong grassroots strategy encourages multiple in-person connections with lawmakers, including at NAIFA's May Congressional Conference, in-person meetings during the August recess, a day on the Hill during NAIFA's fall/winter National Leadership Conference, and at community and fundraising events throughout the year.

Topics: Federal Advocacy Grassroots
