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Advocacy in action blog

2025 is gearing up to be a high-stakes year for tax reform. For financial professionals, it’s a lot like preparing for the Super Bowl. The clock is ticking as Congress pushes toward major tax legislation, driven by the impending expiration of individual tax cuts from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Extending TCJA could add an estimated $4.5 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years. With such a high price tag, lawmakers are on a relentless hunt for revenue, putting every corner of the financial landscape—including insurance and financial services—under intense scrutiny.

Here’s the challenge: this tax reform could dramatically reshape the industry. The changes might affect individual tax rates, estate tax exemptions, the tax treatment of employee benefits, and passthrough businesses. But we don’t have to be mere spectators in this game. It’s up to financial professionals like NAIFA members to actively engage, informing lawmakers about how these potential changes impact your clients and the broader economy. Your voice is essential—now more than ever.

NAIFA is Your Go-To Team for Advocacy and Updates

Navigating this complex tax overhaul can be daunting, but NAIFA has you covered. As your most powerful ally in legislative advocacy, NAIFA ensures you have every tool you need to stay informed and influential in this evolving arena.

Here’s how NAIFA helps you win in this tax reform challenge:

Direct Access to Lawmakers: NAIFA coordinates opportunities for you to engage directly with Congress. With our resources and materials, you can confidently advocate for clients’ financial well-being and defend the importance of financial services in the U.S. economy.

Financial Security Advocate Academy: NAIFA’s training empowers you to be a standout advocate. Whether you’re seasoned or new to advocacy, our Academy hones your skills to make a lasting impact on policymakers.

The Tax Talk Webinar Series: Stay in the loop with our exclusive webinar series, delivering insights and updates on the latest in tax legislation. You can register for upcoming sessions or catch up on past discussions via our Tax Talk resource page to ensure you’re prepared and well-informed as reforms unfold.

As we approach the “Super Bowl of Tax Reform,” know that NAIFA is here, ready to champion your success and provide unparalleled support every step of the way. Visit our Tax Talk page for real-time updates and take advantage of the resources NAIFA has tailored just for you.

