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The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors is pleased to present NAIFA’s Defender of Financial Freedom Award to Susan Neely, president and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI).

NAIFA’s Defender of Financial Freedom Award recognizes individuals who make extraordinary contributions to advancing the strength and continued success of the insurance and financial service industry. Recipients have demonstrated exemplary service and inspirational leadership in helping ensure that every American can live a financially secure life. Neely was recognized during NAIFA’s Apex event in Phoenix.

“Susan Neely exemplifies unwavering dedication to protecting and advancing financial security for all Americans,” said NAIFA President Tom Cothron, LUTCF, FSCP. “Her leadership at ACLI has been instrumental in supporting policies that align with NAIFA’s advocacy efforts for a vibrant and resilient financial service industry. Her collaborative spirit and commitment to ensure families and businesses have access to trusted financial advice have been critical in defending the freedom of Americans to build and protect their financial futures.”

As ACLI president and CEO, Neely leads an industry whose mission is to help families and individuals build greater financial certainty through all stages of life. ACLI’s 275 member companies represent 93 percent of industry assets and provide financial security products and services to 90 million families.

Neely’s commitment to strengthening partnerships between policymakers, the financial service industry and organizations like NAIFA has been vital in shaping legislation that empowers financial professionals to serve their clients effectively and ethically. Her efforts have reinforced the right of individuals to make informed financial decisions, further solidifying her place as a true defender of financial freedom, Cothron said.

Neely is noteworthy for leading groundbreaking initiatives and partnerships on paid leave and retirement security policy. Most recently, Susan was a prominent voice in pushing for a unified national enhanced best interest standard of care for the sale of annuities and has been leading the legal challenge against the U.S. Department of Labor’s harmful fiduciary-only regulation.

Neely is President of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations and serves on the B20 Finance & Infrastructure Task Force. She also serves as chair of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, a director on the board of the Global Child Nutrition Foundation and on the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Dean’s Advisory Council and George W. Bush Institute Advisory Council.

Earlier this year, Neely announced that she will retire from association leadership at the end of 2024.

“It has been my pleasure and honor to work with Susan and the ACLI on legislative and regulatory issues of great importance to our industry, ACLI’s member companies, NAIFA members, and consumers,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. “Susan has been a steadfast ally and friend to NAIFA and the entire community of financial service professionals. Susan understands the formidable strength the ACLI-NAIFA partnership brings to bear, and she has consistently championed the critical role financial service professionals play in safeguarding our industry from regulatory and legislative hurdles. I can think of no one more deserving of NAIFA’s Defender of Financial Freedom Award than Susan Neely.”

